Sunday, December 2, 2007

a busy weekend


Hi, I'm the angle like Julia. I knitted this "creation" that my friend in knitting class told me about. It's called a Chapstick cozy.

Instructions to make a chapstick cozy

1. cast on 40 stitches
2. knit/perl for 5 rows
3. bind/cast off all
4. plan what you want it to look like
5. sew around the chapstick cozy (the edges)
6. DECORATE !!!!

Thanks Julia for the craft editorial! That was wonderful.

Today we actually had 2 inches of snow. It was also the day we went to get the real tree.
This is the family room tree, it is artificial. Jayne is so excited this year. She has been involved in every step of the way.
this is the mantle so far. only one stocking is hanging so far.
Here we are at the tree farm, it really is a local nursery.

The tree will be strung with lights and decorated later to night when the old elf can do it by her self!!!

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the chap-stick cozy Julia, thanks for the directions!
Looks like you guys are well on your way to be decorated for the Christmas season. It all looks beautiful.