These are recent scrapbook pages. This makes me almost caught up. I apologize for the fuzzyness of these shots. This tomato was just sitting on my cutting board and looked so cute.
Waiting and waiting for snow to fall tonight. The kids have already put the spoon in the freezer and have their PJ's on backwards. If there is anything anyone needs to know about the American Revolution please ask as I am prepared to take the seventh grade social studies mid-term on Tuesday. Well have a good week.
Happy New Year to all!!! For the last six years we have been spending New Years Eve with friends and their families. There is always good food, spirits, desserts, kids and fun. This year our hosts provided fun accessories for all. the kids both young and old had fun with these. There were basketball shooting competitions in the basement and the toy kitchen was working overtime upstairs. Here's to an awesome new year!! As usual Dick Clark's Rock'n New Years Eve was on the television!! Welcome 2008.