Have changed the look of Julia's page a little to have just a stamped word Beautiful where the squares are. The light blue square reads "Insist upon yourself. Be original." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The journaling dot in the middle says "Its hot mommy!".

Over 40 baseball. Journal square reads; Technically you turn 40 this year. When you learned you were eligible to play this season you where as excited as a kid.

This picture of my niece Madison was taken up at my grandmothers house. In the picture you can see her face the shadow is quite severe here. The journaling reads; What you can not see in this picture is the hot pink water gun that is being concealed and the pink and white in her beach hat. What you do see is a very good niece who is very patient with her Aunt Lenee.

So on Sunday this last weekend we were invited to a local lake Crestwood Lake by our friends Dave, Sue, Matthew and Jeffery. We had a great time. Nice location, quiet, friends and the kids jumping from high platforms and swimming in the cool water. This week started as usual. But then the scrapping bug took a bite and these four pages were the end result on Wednesday. Love the way the large pictures look, way easy to work with because your page does not need too much more. My husband really does love baseball that much! James baseball page is half done hoping to have that and a couple more by weeks end. Coles page is also in the works. Can not wait to share.
Have a good one.
awesome pages!! and so quickly!
i like the bright colors, very summery!
Wow, love the new lay-outs, large prints are the way to go!!
Great Pages!
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